Summer Tour and Picnic
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012: What more could we have asked? Sunny, cloudless skies, temperatures in the high seventies, as perfect a weather day as one could hope for the 2nd New Jersey SAAB Owners Club Father's Day weekend tour and picnic. About 20 cars turned out for this gathering including a surprise guest at the end. A very few images posted below. If you were there and you have photos to contribute, please send them along and we'll post them here.

Morning turnout at the Sunrise Mountain scenic overlook.

It was a perfect day for convertibles.


Larry and Steve conduct the pre-tour driver's meeting.

Stopping mid-tour at Tillman Ravine, deep in the heart of Stokes State Forest. Some tour participants went swimming in the ravine but we'll spare you those photos.

The second leg of the tour wrapped up with a picnic where the local parking ordinance was strictly enforced!

Somebody was
very excited to have so many SAABs in his yard, especially, the ring ding cars.

Never have so many Saabs parked in this yard.

On the back seat of Joanne's convertible. Joanne will be retiring two weeks from this date, leaving plenty of time to enjoy top down motoring.

Much fine food was brought and served.

Michael Grieco arrived late in the day to wake up the entire neighborhood with his outrageous Aero93.
Following pictures by Alan Stultz
Following pictures by Bob Bird
Following pictures by Steve Grumbach
NJSOC logo design by Dennis Kirchner.
Please send comments (esp. dead links) to: carlsonthor (at) gmail (dot) com
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