Memories of Spring Romp, April 1, 2000
Thanks to Scott Paterson (TSN) and Steve Goldberger (NINES) for their donations to the lunchtime raffle!
Thanks to Blaithin and Hubby Dean for another great romp!
(you shoulda seen Dean's Monty Python Philosophers tee shirt)
The coming out party for the BFH.
Juan Valez smiling ear to ear after a spin in Bruce Turk's gorgeous Sonett III.
Bruce said the best way to ignite enthusiasm for vintage SAABs is to hand someone the keys!
(ME! ME!)
Juan poses with Bruce's Sonett III.
The Sonetts: Jon's V4, Bruce's III, and Chris's Baja Red.
Bill Trench's (torquey, not quick) 95 and the BFH were made for each other.
Larry's "Viggen" sported afterburners.
Lineup at the start (38 cars, total).
Models ranged from 96, 95, 97 V4, 97 III (2), 99T, 900, 900S, 900T, SPG, NG 900T, 9000 (various), 9-3 Viggen and 9^5 sedan...
Ernesto with his rust free(!) California 96.
He just drove cross country and still didn't get enough so he showed up to romp also.
Andrew(!) and the amazing technicolor 5 door 900. It's primer! No wait, it's green! No wait, its...
Somewhere, Andrew's exhaust system fell out, leaving only an open downpipe just ahead of the firewall. Here, he displays the recovered catalytic converter. What some folks won't do to reduce backpressure...
Looking forward to SAABtoberfest 2K!
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