July 5,6,7,8, 9 2000
A few of the more unique images I acquired to the 2000 SAAB Owners' Convention.
Lime Rock Park and Hudson Valley Resort, Kerhonkson, NY
(click any image for higher resolution)What, you want to see all the pictures from SOC2K?
Then visit the SOC2K Motherlode
Bruce Turk waves from pit lane. This same 93B took 3rd place at Saturday's Concours d'SAAB.
Gary Stottler prepares to lap in his Concours 99 Turbo!.
No doubt where Mr. Dennis was headed that week!
Mike White prepares to lap in his rally car.
Stefan with Soneat.
Steve Church's AWEsome autocross Sonett turned in Fast Time of Day.
Chris Moberg's Yellow Thunder waits for a turn at the autocross.
Uncle Bob relaxes in the lobby at the Hudson Valley Resort.
A small fragment of the group photo field. That's the One Lap car next to Per's Pike's Peak winning 93.
(photo credit: Kevin Quigley)
Seth's car was voted "Most Offensive" by the concours judges. Click the image to see why.
(photo credit: Kevin Quigley)
Per, Simo, Peter Backstrom, Larry West and Kevin Smith from SAAB Cars, USA.
(photo credit: Kevin Quigley)
In the iron and aluminum. The instantly legendary John Moss Stroketronic 2-two stroke fuel injected trionic turbocharged REALLY mighty 3!
The Motherlode!
2000 was my first SOC with a digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 990 with a 128MB compact flash card. Without the constraint of film, we really went to town. All concours photos were taken by Kevin Quigley.
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