Just a few images from the 2011 SAAB Owners Convention.
No copyrights on these pictures. Enjoy 'em, use 'em, or forget 'em.

Thursday, August 18Friday, August 19Saturday, August 20Sunday, August 21

An honest to goodness real SPG in silver, maybe one of a kind. Read the maroney...

An outrageous creation from Mike Grieco. Cover your ears!

Check out those velocity stacks...

Under the hood of Mike's turbo!charged, fuel injected, computer controlled, mighty three. Note the hooter valve.

Mike's Turbo!charged '67 96 won him the 2011 Walter Kern Award.

Bruce and his beautiful 96

Don's custom 96

Gary's 99 EMS

Neal's Sonett III

Larry's DrakenVagen

Puttyus Maximus

Friday's convertible living museum

A pretty 2012 convertible that you can neither own or drive

Or put gasoline into...

Yellow carbon fiber dash inserts on a bumble bee

Len's hot rod 96

Looking showroom new, inside and out

A time capsule, right down to the TRX wheels

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