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Some memorable images from the 2003 SAAB Owners Convention.

James Fox (kneeling) techs Soneat for the autocross with Stefan (standing)

Reinertsen Motors 99 Racer

Mikael and Bruce inspect the Lancia carbureted 96 rally car

The hood finally raised on Puttious Maximus

Wonder what Bruce's next project will be?

Mikael Hemmingsen's 96 rally car was towed behind the outrageous custom chopped 99

He says it's really a 99!

Chuck Christ's "darned orange SAAB" gets dyno-ed for the Viking Challenge

James and Seth supervise

Gary Stottler admires the mirror finish of his beautiful black 99T

Don Wollum placed in this very quick carbureted '70 99 with later bumpers and 5 speed gearbox.

Gary waits his turn

Alan Snelson ready to burn out in his '91 Beryl Green SPG

Mikael gives new meaning to the term "smoke out"

Chris Moberg at the wheel of Yellow Thunder, overall winner of the inaugural Viking Challenge

Autocross queue: Moberg, Propowski, Christ, Church

Stefan's car (background) went on the trailer early. Here, he negotiates with Steve Church for a new ride. Steve and Stefan eventually posted first and second fastest times of day, respectively, in Steve's car.

Vintage Vista at the People's Choice Award

Swedish Motors 99 Rally Car

One of the four original pearlescent prototype SPGs, with red leather, red dash and red(!) steering wheel

Lining up for the group photo

The Vapaa Quantum on the group photo field

Jim Hutchins' gorgeous restored Monte Carlo 850

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