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James Fox and the rally car

James Fox and The Rally Car

At one point, James (Class A) finagled his way onto the course with Class B (yours truly). The green bullet grew so swiftly in my rear view that I simply pulled over and pointed him by.

James gave up much of his Thursday track time to trailer my SPG to Indianapolis for an emergency head gasket repair.
Thanks James!

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Rob Wagner

Rob Wagner with the 96 rally car

Rob was one of the few to follow Jason's advice to bring your own shade!

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Gary Moore SPG

Gary Moore's modified SPG

The popular trick of the day was to pull the LF headlight and turn signal to aid engine cooling. Would that I had paid attention...

Thanks to Gary for handing me Steve Bush's business card (Road Tested SAABs). He and Fox and Steve saved the trip!

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Lester Ewing 9000 Aero

Lester goes for a spin with an instructor in his Aero while Steve Cochran and Steve (Porsche club) provide last minute tips.

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Charles Christ 93

Charles Christ's life saver colored 93.

My personal favorite and the best sounding car out there!

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Terry with Porsche 944

My instructor Terry with his 944 Turbo! racer.

Terry took me on some laps I'll never forget ("you got the 7 ticket ride!"). Did I ever.

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Kevin Quigley and '95 900

Kevin Quigley pulls in after a session

Remember! Don't set the handbrake!

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900 and 99

Jason Morris' base 900 (63) and John Wirt's turbocharged, intercooled B engined 99 (90).

Two talented and fast drivers in two very different SAABs.

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