SAAB Owners' Convention '02

Abject apologies for all red eye, lost my photo editor in the July hard disk crash and haven't located the CD yet!

Uncle Bob entertains the crowd on SAABSA, the SAAB two stroke 750cc BSA motorcycle.

Christine, galanti (he DOES exist!) and Lester.

Steve Bush
Road Tested SAABs
7380B New Augusta Road
Indianapolis, IN

When my SPG blew a head gasket Wednesday at Putnam Park, I called Steve (thanks to Gary Moore) and Steve agreed to fix the car on Thursday. Thanks to James Fox for trailering my car all the way to Indianapolis.

Here's Steve, delivering my car to me at the convention. Couldn't ask for any better service than that!

Ethan Maass, James' co-driver, points to the melted tires on his 9K Aero.

Ethan and David "Encyclopedia" Prantl discuss the 9K fine points.

And they found something very strange in the engine compartment...

Matt Wilson, Paul Bob, George M, David Prantl and Mark Plumlee.

Uncle Bob and galanti (he does exist!)

Jenny and Graham Allan with Jenny's "Little Swedish Country!" constructed from Knackebrod, herring, a Swedish flag toothpick, and, Aquavit.

Quigley, Ewing, Goldberger, and, Aquavit.

David Prantl and Keith Grider

Christine, George M, Paul Bob, Kevin, and, Aquavit.

Sara Robinson, Jason Ernst and Christine Krueger

George M. Larry West, Tom Nelson, Lester Ewing, and, Aquavit.

Uncle Bob and The Lovely Anne

Tim Winker, Jeff Powell, Tom Nelson, and, Aquavit.

Kevin and, Vodka.

Back row: Thor, Jerry Danner, Paul Bob, Mikael, Kevin, Carl(?), Jeff, Tim
Front row: Steve, David, Mark, Barney, Tom
and, Aquavit

Kevin Quigley, Martha Carrellas, Mikael Hemmingsen, Jerry Danner, Steve Carrellas, and, Aquavit.

Paul Bob, Matt, Jeff, David, and, Aquavit.

No he didn't get arrested. And he was only warned once by the Ohio patrol, something to do with that long white thing...

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