May 19, 2012: Spectacular, cloudless blue skies with temperatures in the high 70's, maybe touching 80 degrees F. Sunscreen was definitely required for a weather perfect day at SAABS@Carlisle!

There was a pretty amazing turnout of 99s this year.

Late 60's 95, V4 engine

Late 70's 99 with air flow treatment

The iconic SAAB Turbo! in special black with Inca wheels.

Under the hood, a detailed 8V H engine. There's a lot of owner pride evidenced here.

SPG, tastefully enhanced.

Aftermarket air flow kit.

Chip's latest heartbreaker, a pristine '94 Aero with just 60,000 miles.

Diamond in the rough.

As usual, lots of convertibles on a perfect convertible day.

93SS lineup

Is this Bill's or Joanne's? The owner card said Bill, but I'm not so sure...

New gens



Classic 900s

Small bumper Sonett IIIs

96 Rally Replica and 95

Lots of classic 900s

96 and 95

96 and 96

Tom Cox, his diamond in the rough 96 and an admirer.

Kevin Quigley, his new Turbo X Sport Combi and an admirer.

The sign said this Audi was a LeMans winner, so at one time this car moved very fast indeed...

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