May 16, 2009: Warm and breezy with the threat of rain never realized. The sun came out, the sunscreen went on, and the storms stayed away until late in the evening. A fine day for SAABS@Carlisle!

Perry's T16 Airlow '86 Notchback garnered a People's Choice Award

Anna's '93 CV leads the line at Drop Top Drive

Many classic 900s in attendance

And Viggens too

The BFH atop Chip's SPG

Chip adds his entry to the Bob Book while sitting in the front of Kevin's new 9-3 SC

Stealth, right down to the smoked rims

Garys' latest acquisition, a beautiful Burgundy '77 EMS

Frank's rally car
More photos of The Rally Car

So Neat

At the Church of SAAB, wherein Chip gave a heartfelt tribute to Uncle Bob after which the People's Choice Awards were awarded.

Caravaning home with The Rally Car

So it's [NS], but I love these things. And just in case you thought the new Mini is a small car...