SAABs at Carlisle '04...

Here are a few of the SAABs shown at Carlisle on May 22, 2004

A beautiful, warm (some would say hot) sunshiny, sunscreen kind of a day and a welcome change from the past two years.

The intrepid rallyist, Fox. Down, but not out.

The new 92X Aero.

Seth B's '68 V4.

Charles Christ's possessed $200 96. It looked pretty good to me!

Tom Cox's 93F racer sports Sonett seats.

The adorable camper, pulled behind a 9000. Beds in the middle, cooking facilities at the rear. About 600 pounds curb weight.

Jason has big plans for his '86 900. Note the cowl and roof air systems.

An SPG with 9000 Aero seats, in car video system and Sony Playstation for those boring highway stretches.

There was definitely no shortage of owner pride.

So it's [NS], but it looks so cool and I used to have one. A Lancia Scorpion, sometimes referred to as the baby Ferrari, was situated between a Ferrari 308 and a Fiat X-1/9. What a sweet, beautiful Italian sports car.

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